$OwO & Rewards

What is the conversion rate between points and $OwO?

Answer: There is no way of knowing the conversion rate between points and $OwO because the distribution of $OwO is based on how many members have joined the Season and the OwOtokens will be distributed in reference with balance of points and members.

Which wallet to hold $OwO?

Answer: You can either hold $OwO in your SoMon AA Walllet or hold $OwO in your EOA wallet (e.g. Metamask).

What is the tokenomic of $OwO?

Answer: You can understand more about the tokenomic in the $OwO page.

What will be the allocation of $OwO for the season?

Answer: You can check the allocation of $OwO for every season on social media, such as Twitter.

Last updated