Tribes are a on-chain & user-owned group within the SoMon app, centered around any topic, hobby, point of interest, or influencer. People can post and comment relevant content to a Tribe.
The Tribe system was opened to all SoMon members around Season 2 and there will be more and more updates and functionalities for your community to thrive!
How To Create A Tribe?
Step 1 :
Open the side bar on the left-hand side of the app, and click on "Create Tribe"
Step 2 :
Select the category your future Tribe belongs to
Step 3 :
Enter the name of your Tribe and confirm. Please be mindful that the Tribe name must be between 1 and 22 characters. It can only contain latin letters without accents/special characters (a-z), digits (0-9), underscores (_) and dots (.).
Step 4 :
Proceed with transaction and click "Continue". Beforehand, make sure that your SoMon wallet (on Base) has sufficient funds. Kindly refer to the table below for pricing
The basic cost for minting a Tribe is 0.001ETH, with an additional cost depending on the Tribe name length. The shorter the name, the higher the cost is.
Complete the last couple of details that will be visible on your Tribe's homepage, and you're done! Congratulations on being an owner of a Tribe OwO
It is very exciting to see Tribes being minted in SoMon OwO! Can't wait to see them thrive in the upcoming updates!
Last updated