Token Details

Basic information about the SoMon token: $OwO

Technical Details

  • Token Ticker: $OwO

  • Network: Base Mainnet 🔵

  • Token Supply: 1,000,000,000

  • Token Address: 0x5D559eA7bB2DAE4B694A079cb8328a2145Fd32f6

Token Allocation at TGE

3% of the token supply was made available to the public according to their level of engagement after SoMon Season 1 on the mobile app. As seen in the graph, 93% of tokens is locked in the SoMon's decentralized vault and will be automatically redistributed to future Season winners, at a pace of 1% per Season. The rest (4%) is kept for liquidity purposes.

Token Vesting Schedule

There is no token vesting schedule at all!

Token supply from the decentralized vault will be distributed to winners automatically, at a pace of 1% monthly.

Last updated