How To Trade $OwO

Now that you've got your $OwO, what can you do with it?

1/ HODL as much $OwO as possible to earn more Points

Whether you put your $OwO in your SoMon in-app wallet / your attached wallet, you will get a daily snapshot for the $OwO you're holding during the Season, and earn a significant number of Points on the app!

During Season 2, HODLing 50 $OwO could make you earn 5 Points per day!

2/ Trade it or grab more of it on a DEX

$OwO can also be traded on Base. At present, only transactions from Decentralized Exchanges such as Uniswap are supported.

The $OwO tokens need to be sent to the attached wallet via the "Withdraw" function of the in-app wallet first.

Reminder: 0x5D559eA7bB2DAE4B694A079cb8328a2145Fd32f6 is the OwO's contract address, please pay close attention to the address to avoid being scammed, phishing and other property losses.

Last updated